Repères expertises

Regardless of the size of your company, its sector of activity, its culture (marketing, R&D or sales), in France or abroad, the teams of Repères research institute bring their expertise and many skills to help you creating effective marketing action plans and optimal offers.


Qual & Quant

Expert teams in qual, in quant and unrivalled in quant & qual for high added value answers

Reperes Qual department, composed of qualitative experts from diverse backgrounds and highly experienced, realizes qual ad hoc researches. It is a privileged partner for the brands and your R&D and R&I teams.

Repères Quant, composed of an expert and permanent team, helps you to quantify and understand your targets and markets.

Together, our experts can combine their know-how to provide you with the most adapted methodology.

This approach involves the exchange of experiences or even creation of hybrid methodologies with fluid sequencing between the two fields of expertise.



Digital data

An « Live » research institute to capture the key moment of the experience and be ever closer to the consumer.

Beyond classic approaches our research institute has been developing digital methodologies for several years to capture the “Live” perceptions of consumers or shoppers:

Quant test online (Concept, Pack, Ad, Use test at home, online questioning with an avatar,…)
Qual blog (exploration, participative communities, immersive test of prototype,…)
Mobile (real-time collection, research in situ, receiving conso pictures “in the heat of the moment”…)
Communities dedicated to your brand ( short or long term)
Mobile application (TrackShopper for tracking the in-store customer path,…)

Our teams of IT engineers and our device designers support you to propose new solutions and thus meet your objectives and your wildest projects!



From big data to smart data: more in-depth analyses to optimize your offer and turn your marketing data into business opportunities.

Datamining is the process of extracting and sorting essential information through large data sets.

Repères puts at your disposal expert researchers who also combine statistical, IT and marketing skills. They offer you more predictive consumer behavior solutions that make sense of your data and turn it into business opportunities.

We use advanced methods like Typology, Bayesian Networks, Preference Mapping or Napping so that you can :


Trend Scoring

Trends are a key lever for continuous innovation with agility. But we still have to make the right choices!

With Trend Scoring, go beyond simple monitoring and access the right drivers to play to make your future launches a success.

Thanks to the R3m Score© and its algorithm, Trend Scoring is an innovative device, based on the emotional activation of consumers or customers, that allows you to analyze their true feelings, values, needs, desires but also to detect the obstacles to be removed.

Combining quantitative scores and spontaneous verbatims, it provides real drivers and keys to understanding for marketers or R&I teams to defend their innovation plans


Design Thinking

Better understand experiential reality to design the most promising, pre-tested and optimized offers

Design Thinking approach allows you to detect truly disruptive insights by freeing yourself from conventional approaches and thoughts, and to involve all your teams in the innovation and concept generation process. The objective : to retain what is desirable, feasible and viable, giving all ideas a chance.

But Design Thinking at Repères is more than that




When faced with an offer, the processes consumers use to make their choices are often unconscious. Asking directly which components of the offer are the most important and attractive is therefore too rational and unreliable a task. With our Trade-off method you will be able to use an experimental design as a starting point in order to :

Our experts will assist you in defining the key variables and advise you on the modalities you wish to integrate into the Trade-off. Simulation software will be made available to you, so that your research and marketing teams can continue to use the results internally, without any software to install


Buyers personas

Define and use your "personas" well to perfect your marketing strategy

To fine-tune your marketing strategy, it is crucial to determine who you are addressing and to identify clearly the needs of your targets. By knowing them inside out, you will be able to take the right actions and increase your potential customers through personalized speeches.

Repères regularly identifies for its customers their “buyers personas“. These are composite portraits of typical profiles that describe buyers or consumers according to different criteria linked to their social category as well as their consumption habits. The aim is to help you identify different stereotypes of potential consumers.

Once qualitatively defined, our experts quantify them to understand which to target as a priority and to carry out effective and coherent actions to ensure their satisfaction.


Emotional & Experiential

Revolutionary tools to understand today’s consumers, their emotions and perceptions.

One of the major disruptions in the field of marketing research has been the discovery of consumers’ emotions and ultimately their not really rational behavior. Thanks to progress in neurosciences and behavioral economics that revealed these unconscious mechanisms, new interrogation and measurement tools have been developed to capture this emotional dimension, this short track or “system 1”, which eludes classic questioning.

Repères has developed several new approaches in order to:

• Measure a consumer’s emotional activation when faced to a stimuli
• Understand the emotional stories associated with your brand (Emotional Monitoring©)


Sector Expertise

A wide and specialized sector expertise to support you in all your issues.

With more than 30 years of experience, Repères has developed an in-depth knowledge of your markets, and helps you understand the issues facing your sector, identify all inputs and finally choose the best option.

We act for major players of food and beverage, service, telecom, automobile, catering, insurance, retail, leisure, transports and even dating websites.

Repères is also Repères #Beauty: the subsidiary specialized in cosmetics, hygiene, and fragrance for which we have developed a unique know-how.


International Expertise

A vast local and international expertise to assist you in all your projects.

The know-how of our Research Institute has enabled us to expand our field of research internationally over the years and to support our customers whatever their market.

Today, 40% of our turnover is generated by international research.
In order to carry out our various missions, we carefully choose our partners in each country for their common approach with ours.

Countries where we operate: Brezil, USA, Canada, France, Belgium, UK, Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Netherlands, Romania, Pologna, Russia, Marocco, Tunisia, Turkey, Dubaï, United Arab Emirates, China, Japan, South Corea…

This geographical coverage has even increased since the signing of our strategic partnership with MMR in 2020.



10 years experience in psycho-sensory to promote product innovation and bring new solutions to your brands.

Because products or services are at the heart of the customer experience, it is more than ever necessary to understand all the feelings and emotions they arouse in order to make innovation a success.

Repères accompanies you in the deciphering of this experience with all its elements, beyond the classic objective descriptors, to build an optimal marketing mix.

But the sensory doesn’t stop at the product reality. The brand also develops a sensory identity over time, through its range of products and services. It weaves a connection that speaks to the body, to the experiential, a dimension that has become as fundamental as brand image or brand speech.

Repères helps you to use this new dynamic to reveal your real sensory identity and develop a consistent offer for each of your targets.



Behavioral observation and research to go beyond mere speech.

At a time when consumers increasingly speak out, it is necessary to leave home and see the world as it is, the customer as he lives, as he buys “in real life”…

The in vivo insertion in the daily lives of consumers is essential to understand your target audience and to identify real insights to satisfy it.

Repères sets up qual & quant ethno-researches, with several levels of observation that may go up observations without the subject’s knowledge : explo-blog, explo-ethno, qual ethno-shop, quant shopper researches,…

This plurality of observation methods is an effective way to decipher in vivo common practice and attitudes and decode the issues related to a use environment to develop the best offer or to optimize an existing offer.

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Any questions, any projects?

We are eager to discuss your business needs, and answer any questions you may have.

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