Managing your brand & communication

Repères identifies the DNA of your brand, the reflex it leaves in the consumer's mind and helps you strengthen your brand equity.

Understanding your territory, measuring your emotional power for a strong global strategy.

A brand exists and evolves far beyond its functional value.
It not only offers the consumer concrete benefits, but it also builds a whole emotional story with him. With our Emotional Monitoring©, Reflex Assets® and Brand Tracking solutions, create a strong and lasting brand.


Your need

Measuring the emotional power of your brand with Emotional Monitoring©.

Follow and control the emotional impact of your brand to get a perfect connection with your consumers.

Emotional Monitoring©, a new approach that highlights the emotional perception of your brand and its ability to create links.

Because the connection to your brand is more than just rational, we measure the emotional outcome of your marketing actions on consumers and analyze your values as they perceive them. This is possible thanks to a qualitative approach on large numbers and purely emotional indicators.

With Emotional Monitoring©, you will identify the key values of your brands according to their ability to create links and you will be able to weight them:

  • Create your brand platform and strategy based on its own and differentiating assets
  • Harmonize your international branding strategy
  • Validate and manage your brand strategy
Repères +

Sharpness of the qual associated to the strengh of the quant

Quantified weight of values

Measure of the strength of the emotional link thanks to a barometric follow-up according to the actions carried out (for a comparison between targets, between countries,…)

Validating the consistency of your marketing actions with the Reflex Assets® of your brand

Better manage your brand by understanding what it achieved to anchor in the consumer's mind.

Applied to brands, the R3m Score© method identifies and weights what is registered at a REFLEX/AUTOMATIC level in the consumer’s mind and that will be the DRIVER of choice behaviors.

Do you develop a new pack design or launch a new advertising campaign and want to check the impact and consistency of your marketing actions with your strategy?

With our exclusive REFLEX ASSETS® approach using R3m Score©:

  • Identify your brand’s reflex assets®, or key dimensions, that leave marks in the consumer’s mind and will drive their decision-making processes
  • Measure how your marketing actions impact on these assets (strengthening, reduction, creation of new associations,…)
Repères +

Simple, quick and adapted to all targets (1 question, 3 words)

System 1 approach: spontaneous, playful, without induction

Multi-criteria algorithm for more discriminating results

Continuously monitoring your brand image

Manage your brands with more sharpness and over time with the brand tracking.

Repères has a high expertise in brand image tracking, coupled with a strong involvement in the environment of its clients’ brands.

Our tracking allows to take into account the needs and questions of marketing teams: for an adapted answer and  an analysis of the results that considers brands’ actions (above-the-line investments, promotional investments, below-the-line actions).

More specifically, Repères delivers:

  • A continuous data collection
  • Regular dashboards over the year and occasional reviews
  • Cross-disciplinary learning and targeted recommendations

At all production and analysis stages, Repères is committed to an unfailing rigor to check, control and analyze data.


Repères +

Proven expertise for numerous advertisers among both BtoC and BtoB targets

Continuous year-round service: ad hoc on-demand overview, free additional data treatments

Thanks to our qual & quant synergy, the possibility to supplement the brand tracking with ad hoc qualitative research if there is the need to look deeper into information

Anchoring your brand sensory signature

Develop your brand in an incarnate and vibrant way while respecting its sensory signature.

The brand is to be considered as a living, sensory and emotional, functional and relational organism. All its components are active and influential in the relationship with the consumer.

Repères helps you to take all these dimensions into account and articulate them.

The purpose? Enable your brand to evolve and innovate, respecting its sensory signature, for a stronger connection with the consumer.

Repères +

We attach equal importance in our approaches to sensory, emotional and brand signs as well as to current and emerging codes.

Our experts

Contact us

Any questions, any projects?

We are eager to discuss your business needs, and answer any questions you may have.

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