Legal Notice


Company : Repères
Company legal name : Sole shareholder simplified joint-stock company with a capital of 1 300 000 euros (€).
Head office : 20 rue Bouvier 75011 Paris – France
Tel. : (+33) (0) 1 44 29 60 00
Paris trade and company registry number : n° 319 308 409
Intracommunity VAT : n° FR 90 319 308 409
SIRET number (Head office) : n° 319 308 409 00105
NAF code/APE : 7320Z  – market studies and surveys
Website’s publication manager : François Abiven, CEO of Repères
Web host provider : OVH – 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France
Website conception : Bleu Equipage Communication –
Photo Credit “Our experts” : Camille Collin photographer –



In accordance with the law n° 78-17 of 6 January 1978, website’s users have, if need be, the right to object, access, rectify and delete nominative information about them. This right can be exercised by mail at Repères, 54 rue René Boulanger, 75010 Paris or by E-mail at

During the use of the website, the user may have to disclose personal data such as his name, his email address.
Repères commits itself not to disclose any personal data you may give us.



Repères is the exclusive owner of all intellectual property rights or hold the rights of use of all the accessible elements of this website. It concerns the structure, texts, pictures, graphics, logos, icons, sounds, softwares…
Including the brand “R3m #Score” which is an internationaly registered and protected trademark by Repères.
Any reproduction, representation, modification, publication, adaptation, in whole or in part, of this website by any means, without written consent of Repères, is prohibited.
In the absence of written permission, it will be considered as counterfeiting in legal proceedings in accordance with the provisions of articles L.335-2 and the Intellectual Property Code.


In accordance with the provisions of the law n° 98-536 of 1st July 1998 which implements in the Intellectual Property Code the directive 96/9 CE of 11 March 1996 about the legal protection of databases, Repères is producer and owner of all or part of the databases forming this website.

By accessing and using this website, you acknowledge that the data is legally protected and, in accordance with provisions of law of 1st July 1998 referred to above, it is strictly forbidden to extract, re-use, stock, copy, represent, either directly or indirectly, with any way or under any shape, all or a substantial part of the qualitative or quantitative of the contents of the databases.



Repères supports creation of hyperlinks to pages inside its site. However, every hyperlink to the site requires prior approval.
Moreover, Repères reserves the right to request the removal of links which it believes to be prejudicial to its image or its rights.
Users are advised that cookies could automatically be installed in their browsers during their visit of the site
Cookies are blocks of data which do not enable users to be identified but which serve to record information relating to the user’s navigation on the website.



Repères, and all third parties involved in the creation of the website, provide no explicit or implicit warranty and assume no responsibility with regard to the use of the website.
They cannot therefore be held liable by any user of third party for any direct or consequential, special, incidental or specific damages incurred from the use of this website or any website referenced by Repères.

The information of this website: – Is of a general nature only which is not intented to address the specific circumstances of any particular individual or entity ; – Is not necessary comprehensive, complete, accurate or up to date ; – Sometime links to external websites over which Repères has no control and for which Repères assumes no responsibility ; – Does not constitute professional or legal advice. Repères assumes no liability whatsoever for any consequence which could result from the interpretation and use of information presented on its website.



Contact us

Any questions, any projects?

We are eager to discuss your business needs, and answer any questions you may have.

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    According to GPRD :
    We inform you that your data will be treated confidentially.
    Only authorized persons may access your data for strictly internal purposes.
    You can access, correct or delete information about yourself by contacting
    We will process your request within 30 business days.

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