Optimizing your marketing mix

Repères supports you in your product or service development by measuring the performance of each element of the mix.

Optimizing your marketing mix thanks to customers feedback

Repères supports you in the adjustment of your marketing mix, in order to make it as coherent and attractive as possible. Through a wide choice of qualitative and quantitative research, we decipher efficiency levers for you.

Your need

Adjusting your marketing mix

Redesign your offer to ensure a good meeting with the target consumer thanks to our Bilan-Insight approach.

The Bilan-Insight allows to review the fundamentals of a brand and identify consumer insights to develop new opportunities.

The method: place the consumer in creative games to reveal brand insights as their own insights and outline innovation.

  • Draw from the deep representations associated with the brand on all facets of its personality (from sensory to emotional, from functional to relational, from the concrete offer to the signs emitted)
  • Identify consumer insights into the product category
  • Project insights on brand reality and bring out relevant evolutions

The Bilan-Insight is carried out through prospective focus groups.

Testing a breakthrough innovation

Immerse a prototype in real life and give your breakthrough innovations every chance with the Home Use Blog.

Home use blog (HUB™): real conditions of immersion of the product in daily life, to give all their chances to breakthrough innovations.

How can we know the full potential and limits of a breakthrough innovation? How do you position a new product, or reposition a good product that hasn’t had the desired success?

Far from an online focus group, the HUB™ is for us the most effective solution to test an innovation:

  • Test the innovation live with a community of consumers: they make the product their own at home and share their experience on a dedicated and private blog
  • Experience the product at 360° through a personal use over time, and the sharing of experience, detecting the best positioning and optimization points
  • Enjoy a double momentum: vary between the individual feedback of each tester on the product, and collective discussion to identify areas for optimization


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Real immersion of the product in daily life to:

  • Observe the appropriation and its evolution by personal strategies
  • Detect all weak signals and check their persistence in order to lift or increase them according to their relevance

Collaborative approach to elaborate concept and mix: all the sensory expertise of Repères to finely analyze the different dimensions of appreciation

Testing a product, a formula, a service

Measure the performance of your products and identify priority drivers of optimization.

Repères is an expert in product testing and assists major players in the FMCG markets in the implementation of standardized processes deployed in several countries.

We adapt the methodology to your issue, constraints and objectives, whether they are marketing or R&D oriented:

  • Monadic or sequential methodology to exacerbate differences
  • At home, in-hall or online tests
  • Blind use test (to measure the intrinsic performance of the product) or identified use test (to measure the product with the impact of the brand)

More than just a product test, Repères gives you the opportunity to go further with its expertise in Bayesian Networks: analysis of perceived value for a better allocation of your resources, and a chance to take the right decision.

With its advanced probabilistic method:

  • Rank the priority actions to improve your offer
  • Eliminate over-quality of non-priority dimensions
  • Calculate the impact of corrective actions on the key indicator


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Possibility to add our R3m Score© module

Modelling consumer expectations to help R&D team

More precise recommendations for operating the right optimization drivers

Measuring the emotional activation of a product experience

Understand and measure the consumer emotional experience after a use test with the R3m Score©.

Repères has developed an algorithm resulting from more than 3 years of R&D that allows to understand the consumer emotions and experiences as closely as possible in just 3 words.

Tested in more than 50 product categories and in several languages, the R3m score© proved to be better than classic standards:

  • Better discriminate tested stimuli
  • Identify weak signals thanks to an open questioning without any a priori (3 words)
  • Detect high-performing offers where reporting scales find their limits

Find out more about our method here.

Repères +

Understand the emotional potential of your products and services

Simple, fast and adapted device to all audiences (1 question, 3 words)

Can be used alone or as an add-on module to a classic product test

Testing a packaging

Measure the real potential of a packaging in its competitive environment.

Repères offers a new approach to packaging testing, going beyond the GO/NO GO vision for a complete diagnosis of a pack development.

Do you want to know if your pack is seen, how the consumer decodes it or what impact it has on the product’s purchase intent?

Our experts make an analysis based on 3 predictive dimensions:

  • Ability of the pack to distinguish itself within its set of competitors (shelf impact, ability to emerge, potential in terms of buyers and market share)
  • Perceptual and emotional asperities vs. main competitors
  • In-depth diagnosis (effectiveness of each element of the pack, resulting image, motivations and obstacles, consumers profile, projected uses)
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Full analysis from implicit to explicit

An approach that integrates the mechanisms of choice and perception within the competitive environment

Improving the in-store experience

Discover shopper insights to develop your products growth and improve in-store flow.

Repères provides you with different qualitative and quantitative research methods to discover the buyer behind the consumer and answer all your shopper’s issues.

Do you want to implement a winning store concept, optimize the customer experience, evaluate the visibility and effectiveness of your merchandising or POS advertising?

  • Observe visitors through your shelves with our digital application: track the exact path to obtain a customer flow map, record interactions,….
  • Explore the perception and appreciation of your brand or store with a qual and/or quant questioning stage
  • Analyze the visual path of your visitors with an Eye-tracking research and measure the most attractive areas
Repères +

Personalized answer to your merchandising and marketing issues

High collaboration of our qual & quant experts

Customized integration of your store plan, your shelves in our shopper application

Strong partnership with eye-tracking specialists using Tobii, the world’s leading  eyewear company

Our experts

Contact us

Any questions, any projects?

We are eager to discuss your business needs, and answer any questions you may have.

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