R3mProduct Score

The R3mProduct score©: to be as close as possible to the understanding of emotion and consumer experience

After 3 years of R&D, Repères has developed an exclusive method to measure the emotional activation of a product experience: The R3m score©.

A resolutely “system 1” approach without any induction: the respondent only have to tell the 3 words that come to his/her mind at the end of an experience.

Then we deduce the emotional activation of the respondent using a multi-criteria algorithm: grammatical nature of the quoted words, logic of enunciation (description, judgment, metaphor…), valence, rank, consensus….Finally, the analysis of the most impacting words in terms of activation allows to interpret the R3m score©, to understand finely the experience lived with the product and to draw from it very operational lessons.


Tested in more than 50 product categories and in several languages, the R3m emotional activation Score has proved to be more effective than classic actions standards such as overall scores, satisfaction scales… with in particular:

  • A better discrimination of tested stimuli,
  • The highlighting of weak signals thanks to a totally open questioning without any a priori,
  • The ability to detect super-efficient offers (no edge effects) where reporting scales find their limits (It is almost impossible to beat an already popular offer on a satisfaction scale).

The R3mProduct score in practice

An efficient collection method
It is easy to implement because it consists of asking only one question. It can be used alone or embedded in a classic questionnaire, in France and abroad.

A flexible device
Its very simple collection method is adapted to all audiences, including children, and to all situations: online, face-to-face, by phone, at home, on site…

More relevant decision-making
There is a better discrimination of stimuli thanks to the score and a better understanding of emotions through words.


This solution can also be applied to your brand. To find out more about the #R3mBrand, click here.

Contact us

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We are eager to discuss your business needs, and answer any questions you may have.

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