A nutritional information on-pack at a glance

11 Dec

The Nutri-Score logo

The Nutri-Score logo, designed by Santé Publique France, is intended to improve the nutritional information provided to consumers. Its adoption remains optional, but the introduction of this on-pack rating raises many questions among players in the food industry. Repères help them to decode consumer perceptions and make the right decisions accordingly.

Designed as part of the National Nutrition and Health Programme, the Nutri-Score will gradually appear in France on the supermarkets shelves. With a letter and a colour, this logo informs consumers about the nutritional quality of a product by positioning it on a 5-level scale from :

  • the most nutritionally favourable product (classified A)
  • the least nutritionally favourable product (classified E)

The category to which the food belongs is highlighted on the logo by a larger letter The transition to the Nutri-Score raises many questions for which Repères works with the major players in the agri-food industry, both the most precursors and the most committed to the subject, as well as with smaller players :

  • The application of Nutri-Score : an opportunity or a risk for my business ?
  • Putting Nutri-Score on my pack : what impact on the perceptions / attractiveness of my product ?
  • What is the benefit or risk of moving to a higher letter ?
  • The upgrade to a higher letter requires a renovation of the formula/product recipe : What impact on the organoleptic qualities of my product ? And what are the risks of disruption to my current consumers ?

If these issues are at the heart of your concerns for you too, contact our expert teams in the food sector. They will set up for you the ad-hoc study protocols adapted to your specific problem and your budget.

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