Enrich perfume tests with an emotional diagnosis

13 Sep


Enrich perfume tests with an emotional diagnosis

Discover how Takasago has reinvented its sniff-tests by integrating an emotional measure to help perfumers better understand the performance of their juices and optimize them quickly and efficiently.

The brief: to go beyond the rational approaches of classic sniff-tests (often lacking in discrimination and understanding), by integrating an emotional measure that is simple to set up and providing a rich diagnosis to grasp the full complexity of the fragrances.

Our solutions :
Integration of our exclusive emotional measurement R3m score, a simple and playful solution that allows with only 3 spontaneous words to go beyond the rational for :

  1. to better discriminate the tested fragrances, thanks to this new quantitative emotional indicator which comes in complement of the score of classic liking
  2. obtain a richness of verbatims that goes beyond the simple description or the classic “like/dislike”, in order to identify the assets and the obstacles to be reworked
  3. better understand the emotional activations linked to particular notes or cultural influences (country, age, gender…)

A protocol easily implemented internationally, a short and spontaneous questioning that allows consumers to evaluate a large number of fragrances.

Want to know more? Click on the link below.

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